Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What most people know about Haiti is...

that it is and has been for a long time the poorest country in the western hemisphere. But what does that really mean? Who can really quantify a fact like that? Most people, including me at one point, think that if you have been to one developing country, you have seen them all. I cannot even begin to explain how wrong that statement is. I am not ignoring the fact that the human race loves to generalize and loves to put everyone in a nice, neat box and do not get me wrong I can generalize society, fashion, music, or whatever with the best of them, but when it comes to poverty and human suffering, I must pause.

I think to try and sum up the poor in this world to others through one visit or length of time you spent in a developing country is detrimental to us and them. I do not doubt that I have done it, but being in Haiti knowing I am going to share my life with these people and vice versa for the next two years changes things.

Ok bear with me, think about your worst day in your entire life... go it? I am sure that what you experienced on that day has shaped you profoundly as a person. Ok now imagine that someone witnesses everything about that day and for the rest of your life tells their version of what you went through to every new person you meet and you never to get to say anything about it. Kind of sucks, doesn't it?

Well, in my opinion, that is what we do to the poverty stricken in our world. We walk around like experts informing others of what it is like for them when do not have a clue. There is no way this blog is ever going to be able to comprehensively sum up what it means to be Haitian, but I hope through writing down what I experience I will come to understand the people and my new life here amongst them better

I guess this is the first disclaimer of my blog, I am not sure if there will be others, but here is the first. The stories and people I will be writing about are real and the suffering as well as the joy are not being documented to elicit any particular emotions from anyone, so read this blog and take from it what you will, but realize that this is one's person perspective on a country of millions.

Emotional State: tired with some homesickness sprinkled on top

Goal: to appreciate Haiti and its people for who they are without judging them

1 comment:

  1. You are wise, young Jedi! Your metaphor is dead on, having everyone come by to share in your tragedy, or journalists asking, "How do you feel?" doesn't change a thing for the victim, nor does it really let the outside world into their pain. You may document what you see, but it's still not you going thru it. Wow.
