Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Night Before it all Begins

Leaving a place you love is never easy, even if it is for the best of reasons. Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 12, 2009, I will leave my home of over 5 years for Port-au-Prince, Haiti, a place many people never dream of going. I am leaving behind friends, family, a husband, and countless amounts of comforts for a position that will surely be physically as well as emotionally taxing.

As I sit here watching True Blood, a show I will surely miss, I still cannot believe I am doing this, but is there every really a good time to up root your whole life and move to a developing country? It is now or never.

My emotional state: scared with a mixture of excitement.

My goal: to throw myself head first into this life changing experience and to keep my doubts out of my mind.


  1. I'm super proud of you. Can't wait to hear about your life's adventures.

  2. Goal #2: Bring sexy back.

    Go Jillian! You will be fantastic (you already are... so not too hard to accomplish!). Love you to pieces! xoxo

  3. I was scared before my last (and first) trip there, but you took good care of me - who knew you were practicing to lead trips? I couldn't be prouder, and I love you very much.

  4. Thanks for including us all in your work. I love you. Will you be teaching us Creole? I tried to post this most profound comment and have found I have to select a profile. Hope I slected something fitting for a goguh.

  5. Jillybean, if it's like everything else you touch, it will turn to gold - I miss you!
