Saturday, October 10, 2009

I do not have fleas

Yesterday I took Lulu to the vet, because she needed to start her vaccinations and I was beginning to think she had fleas. What led me to this conclusion is that when I would pet her I would feel what I just thought was dirt, but when I looked it up was really eggs. Also since she sleeps with me have been feeling itchy and my bed had all of these black specks on it. The vet confirmed this and said that I do not have fleas, but I am itchy because of the eggs in the bed and I am probably getting bitten while I sleep. Hooray for me!!

I called Frank, my husband, to tell him the great news and his immediate response was, "ewww, they better be gone by the time I get there." Then he proceeds to yell to his friend Corey who he was with at the time, "Dude, Jillian has fleas." Don't you just love male sensitivity.

The solution to this problem is to apply this flea powder to Lulu once a day for three days. The vets says after that all the fleas will be gone. The slight hiccup with that is Lulu cannot ingest any of the powder, so I came home from the vet and made her a cone that goes around her head to prevent her from licking the powder. Lets just say she is less than pleased with me. All I can say is that I hope these three days go by quickly.


  1. I find myself strangely itchy. Hmm.
    Good luck getting rid of the eggs from both Lulu and your bed!!

  2. If Frank won't sleep in a flea-infested bed to be near you, well...I just don't know about young men these days!
    Why, back in my days we had to walk 5 miles thru the snow, uphill both ways just to look at a girl! If she offered to share her fleas with us, well, we were just damn glad for the attention.

  3. So cute!

    It just goes to show you that when need be you can make something out of nothing.......a cone for Lulu's head. In the states that cone would cost 10.00!

    Marlana etc all.....

  4. Lulu is so cute with her little cone collar!

  5. Lulu is adorable.. Jill.. ur becoming like me :) i only have ONE cat now lol just peyton... awww they should play together :)
